healthy humans, healthy workplace.


create a culture of support with a therapy-as-needed program.


wellbeing for them

You care about your employees - show them just how much. With our “drop-in” scheduling model, they’ll be in good hands when they’re in need of real-time support. We’ll provide our highly-skilled, licensed therapists for regularly scheduled blocks of dedicated availability. Scheduling is simple and our hybrid options include virtual and onsite therapy. Our tailored offerings are designed to meet the specific needs of your company.


wellbeing for you

You’ll have peace of mind that your employees are receiving top-notch care at the time when they actually need support. We specialize in making wellness services palatable and approachable, and we are dedicated to breaking stigma around emotional, relational, and mental health support. Your GHW engagement manager will work directly with your team to measure impact and give you reassurance that you are on your way to creating a culture of support.


wellbeing for your organization

When companies lead with their values and take good care of their people, everyone wins. You'll be reassured that employee happiness predicts workplace success, which in turn positively reinforces the motivation and effort of your employees.



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