a healthy tomorrow begins today.

at good human work, we specialize in relationships.

your relationship with yourself

It was your first relationship. It is your most important relationship. It will persist for every single day of your life. Like any other relationship, it requires attention, commitment and effort. You deserve to have a healthy relationship with yourself.

We can help. Together, we’ll restore, repair or rebuild your relationship with yourself. We’ll find rest and steadiness from within.


your relationships with others

You know you need connection. You also know that human beings are incredibly complex. It takes a great deal of work to find, keep and maintain healthy relationships with others.

We can help. Together, we’ll practice empathy, vulnerability, attunement and engagement. We’ll practice healthy boundaries, without creating disconnection or isolation.


your relationship with change

It’s common to feel overwhelmed by change. Sometimes, life can feel like a series of constant transitions and detours, and even positive changes can feel unsettling.

It’s also common to feel desperate for change. Sometimes, daily life can feel stale, stagnant, unmanageable or unendurable, and change can feel absolutely necessary.

Either way, we can help. Together, we’ll find flexibility and comfort while we practice shifting, adapting, and transforming. With empathy and enthusiasm, we’ll work together to create change that truly feels good.


our therapy services

individual therapy
couples therapy
family therapy